As an undergraduate Cyber Security student, I often feel like a small fish in the big pond that is the information security industry. From a hobbyist programmer in sixth form, I am now a university student studying the ways of the cyber security world. As much as I have learnt and come leaps and bounds since starting my degree, I still have so much more to learn and go.
When I first started in cyber security, I thought I was mad. No literally, completely mad. Cyber security is such an important area in the modern world, we're needing it more every day - and in recent times, people are starting to realise that. Technology is becoming, no, IS a part of our everyday lives. We're on our phones 24/7, we do our banking through an app, our cars are now talking to us, and our hairbrushes are now connected to the internet (It's scarily a real thing, Google it) - we're so absorbed in technology, what the hell would we do without it? What is even more scary, is that people are so unaware that these awesome things can in fact be used against us. Our own data is being held for ransom (Big up WannaCry). Nuclear systems can be destroyed by the press of an enter key (I'm talking to you, Ukraine). Not to mention, have you heard of something called cyber stalking? Imagine being followed everywhere you go and harassed relentlessly - but online. So why would I want to jump into a world where information security professionals are being relied on more and more with every "The hackers are going to win!" news headline? I mean, that's a lot of pressure. Well that's because the cyber "geeks" are now being crowned cyber heroes, and I want to be a part of that movement.
So welcome to my new-found blog (massive thank you to all the current InfoSec blogs that have inspired me), where I will log my journey from wannabe script kiddie, to information security professional.
Step one: Stop hexdumping in a terminal every time someone enters the room, it may look cool - but it's not actual hacking.
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